You know, I was listed on that '03 steroids list. Look at how my weight ballooned:
Anyway, I think the top ten I'm-never-believing-in-baseball-again steroids list would be as follows:
1: Hall of Famers from the last five years - Specifically Ripken and Rickey, although at this point, I don't even want to look at their career numbers and think about it
2: Pedro - I wasn't in the area during his golden years, but I respect history and want to believe that one man could be this talented.
3: Pujols - Unequivocal for the hitters. He's the best hitter in baseball, one of the best men in baseball, a hero in his day. For him to be caught would shatter.
4: Griffey - That's my childhood that's being messed with. His career follows the arc of someone who didn't use, so I want to simply believe that
5: Any star from the 2005 draft - Braun, Ellsbury, ZIMMERMAN, Justin Upton, those are the guys that I want to believe are the next generation of stars. It would be terrible to see them go down.
6: Jamie Moyer - A few months ago, I had to work both ends of a Phils-Gnats double-header. Between games, one man (IN DC) stayed to sign autographs. I just want to know that Moyer didn't do it out of guilt. It's doubtful that he did, and yet, he's 47 years old and still pitching.
7: Jeter - As a kid, Jeter was the face of baseball, no matter where you were. He's someone who's never brought the cameras where they shouldn't have gone. He's one of the 7 best shortstops of all time. I don't want him to fall; he transcends the sport.
8: '70's stars in the Hall of Fame - For those guys, from the color(ed) era of baseball to be users. I mean, if the drugs were available, it's possible to assume...Pudge, Reggie, the Big Red, etc. It would say that our grounds for distrusting everything 1993 and later is totally off base, and the last thirty years of baseball are in question
9: Maddux/Glavine/Smoltz - No explaination necessary
10: McGwire/Manny/Pettite - It's far from over, concerning these guys' peers, and that's enough to make every name on this list a possibility.