Thursday, May 14, 2009

13 May 2009 - Wednesday

  Holy shitbox, yesterday was a bad day.  Now, generally, Zimmerman's streak ending and the Caps losing game seven on the same day would be terrible; those barely registered next to the morning of the very day. 

What stands above all is the funeral for John Sable, my old best friend's dad. It would be wrong to talk too much about it, but he was a great man and he should still be alive. His family radiates strength like none I've ever seen, and Joey, my old friend has got the toughest person I've ever met.  Where all were morose over the senseless loss to medical incompetence, Joey took only two sentences to make us laugh, and remind us that John spent his last months suffering and now the pain is gone.  Obviously my thoughts are with the family, but knowing them well, my thoughts stand for very little against their decency and resilience; they are going to be fine, and John just as much as his wife (Joey's mother) are the people to credit for that.

That's all I have to say about the Sables, other than that I simply love them and am proud to have known John.

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