Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Night Baseball - More Extra with every bite.

This being as large a crowd as it is, there are a quite many vehement fans, pro-Nationals, in the stands. It's inspiring, but since there's either rabid, in-sync cheering, or silence, thus, everything some of these yokels say is totally audible. I especially like when they cheer: "Strike Out," rather than "Strike Him Out." They're addressing the batter rather than the reliever, as if the batter's going to say, "hmm, maybe I WILL strike out!"  

Top of the eleventh, one on, Chris Coste drops a hit to right-center and Peed-ro Feliz (get it?) moves to third. Two outs, J-Roll at the plate. Kip Wells, I told you this in Reno and I'll tell you it now, "Pay her in cash and get the hell out of there.*"

*I never said any such thing.

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